Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Grace Bible Church’s mission goal is to fulfill the Great Commission of bringing the good news of salvation through Christ to all nations, to help disciple believers and to care for people in need as Christ demonstrated and taught. Grace Bible Church financially supports international, national and local missions.

Special Project
Winter Mitts and Hat Drive
The Missions Committee is once again inviting you to donate new women's & men's hats, mitts and gloves. These will be made available to our friends at the Oakwood Community Table food-bank. Donations can be dropped off at the church. Thank you for helping to keep each other warm this winter!
Active Outreach Programs
Oakwood Community Table
Oakwood Community Table opened its doors in the fall of 2013. We are a food bank operated by Grace Bible Church at 366 Oakwood Avenue under the umbrella and support of Harvest Manitoba and GBC.
We operate every second Saturday from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, serving families in this community.
We operate every second Saturday from 10:00 – 11:00 AM, serving families in this community.
Providence College and Seminary
Providence College is a Christian academic community in the evangelical tradition.
Providence teaches people to grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service.
Providence is one of Canada's foremost Christian universities that transforms students into leaders of character, knowledge, and faith, to serve Christ in a changing world.
Providence teaches people to grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service.
Providence is one of Canada's foremost Christian universities that transforms students into leaders of character, knowledge, and faith, to serve Christ in a changing world.
Red Rock Bible Camp
Red Rock Bible Camp exists to provide Christ Centered Discipleship for youth attending summer camp. explore and discover the adventure.
Red Rock Bible Camp has so much to offer to people of all ages during every season of the year in picturesque Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Red Rock Bible Camp has so much to offer to people of all ages during every season of the year in picturesque Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe believes that the Bible is God’s Word to us — something that everyone should be able to understand in their own language.
But approximately 1,600 languages around the world are still waiting for a translation project to begin.
When people finally get the Bible in their own language, lives often change in amazing ways. People are transformed as they are led to Jesus Christ and a right relationship with God.
Wycliffe Bible Translators exists to help speakers of these remaining languages get the Bible for themselves. And they won’t stop until all people have God’s Word in a language they understand.
But approximately 1,600 languages around the world are still waiting for a translation project to begin.
When people finally get the Bible in their own language, lives often change in amazing ways. People are transformed as they are led to Jesus Christ and a right relationship with God.
Wycliffe Bible Translators exists to help speakers of these remaining languages get the Bible for themselves. And they won’t stop until all people have God’s Word in a language they understand.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)
The purpose of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is the transformation of youth, students and graduates, in all their ethnic diversity, into fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Bible Centered Ministries International
Bible Centered Ministries International is a global non-denominational ministry dedicated to Reaching Children and Developing Churches worldwide. We are committed to making disciples of all age groups for the Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism, teaching and training so that churches are established and the Church strengthened.
BCM ministers through evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership training and publishing Bible curriculum and teaching materials. Children’s ministries such as Bible clubs, released time classes, and camps are central to all BCM fields. BCM is also involved in compassion ministries such as disaster relief, community health care and development, and counseling. https://bcmintl.org/who-we-are/
BCM ministers through evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership training and publishing Bible curriculum and teaching materials. Children’s ministries such as Bible clubs, released time classes, and camps are central to all BCM fields. BCM is also involved in compassion ministries such as disaster relief, community health care and development, and counseling. https://bcmintl.org/who-we-are/
Power to Change
Power to Change exists to change the world by helping students discover Jesus. They are a community on campus mobilizing students to live a life of adventurous faith as they are challenged and changed by Jesus Christ.
They take students on a faith adventure by helping them: DISCOVER a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, EXPERIENCE the power of the Holy Spirit, and INSPIRE heroic engagement through mobilizing others in the power of the Holy Spirit to help many people discover Jesus Christ and change the world.
They take students on a faith adventure by helping them: DISCOVER a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, EXPERIENCE the power of the Holy Spirit, and INSPIRE heroic engagement through mobilizing others in the power of the Holy Spirit to help many people discover Jesus Christ and change the world.
Indian Life Ministries (ILM)
ILM’s mandate is to produce culturally relevant Christian media that will bring hope, healing and honor to the Native people of North America. In the words of Craig Smith, “We need to build bridges not walls… bridges that Native North American’s will be willing to cross over… so we can begin the process of healing, reconciling the past, making right the present, and planning for better days of ministry and growth in the future.
Crisis Pregnancy Centre(CPC)
Crisis Pregnancy Centre is a Christian-based ministry. CPC believes that all people have intrinsic value, that people are amazing, and that they deserve respect and love.
CPC believes that those who have been dis-empowered need to be re-empowered so that they can live beautiful lives. CPC provides information and hope to men and women about pregnancy, loss of pregnancy and thoughts of abortion, as well as providing support and information about parenting and relational issues.
CPC believes that those who have been dis-empowered need to be re-empowered so that they can live beautiful lives. CPC provides information and hope to men and women about pregnancy, loss of pregnancy and thoughts of abortion, as well as providing support and information about parenting and relational issues.